Yahoo Proxies

Gain valuable insights into global markets with Yahoo proxies. Simulate user experiences from different regions and access localized content. Get private connections, dedicated servers, and high anonymity IPs with NewIPNow!

Buy Yahoo Proxies - Private and Dedicated IPs

Powerful Proxies for Yahoo

New IP Now Instant Proxy Refresh

Conquer Data Collection with Yahoo Proxies

Gain a competitive edge by utilizing Yahoo proxies for in-depth market research. Simulate user experiences from various regions and access localized content on Yahoo prducts and services.

  • No more lags, disruptions, or CAPTCHAs slowing you down. Effortlessly manage multiple Yahoo Mail accounts and navigate Yahoo Auctions with anonymity.
  • Seamlessly integrate our Yahoo proxy servers with your favorite research and analytics tools to maximize efficiency. Streamline your workflow and collect valuable insights with ease.

Buy dedicated proxies for Yahoo and uncover geo-specific trends and regional preferences!

Guaranteed Privacy & Dedicated IPs

We offer guaranteed private proxies, ensuring each IP is exclusive to you. Eliminate the risk of account bans associated with shared proxies. Get NewIPNow!

Effortless Scalability at Low Costs

Scale your business with ease! Our Yahoo proxies cost $0.88 per IP, with no hidden fees or bandwidth limitations.

Target Specific Locations

Our user-friendly dashboard lets you choose specific proxy locations that match your targets. Pick your cities at no additional costs.

Seamless Integration & 24/7 Support

No software installation required! Integrate Yahoo proxies with your existing tools with ease. Plus, our expert support team is always available for assistance.

Instant Proxy Refresh

Need a fresh start? Get new proxies in a single click with our unique refresh feature.

Buy Yahoo proxies for under $1 per proxy

Most Popular


Number of proxies

10 private proxies

25 private proxies

50 private proxies

100 private proxies

Configurable Location

Number of Cities





Number of Subnets





Configurable Purpose

Unlimited Bandwidth

Elite Anonymity

HTTP(s) Compatability

Instant Setup

Instant Refresh

100% Guaranteed

24/7 Support

What are Yahoo Proxies

Yahoo proxies are a type of proxy server that work specifically with Yahoo products and services like Yahoo Mail, Yahoo Search, and Yahoo Auctions. It offers multiple benefits like enhanced privacy and access to location-specific content.


Protect your browsing activity and real IP address with private Yahoo proxies. Enjoy a truly anonymous browsing experience.


Gather location-exclusive data from various Yahoo services for competitive analysis and market insights.


Access region-specific listings on Yahoo Auctions and find unique shopping opportunities on Yahoo Shopping.


Simulate user experiences from different regions and see localized content on Yahoo Search and Finance.

Private Yahoo Proxy Provider

Their prices are pretty low considering that other services charge more than twice as much for fewer features. If you’re looking for cheap IPs with good privacy, then Newipnow is the solution.

NewIPNow has been delivering proxies at a very cheap cost for many years. However, even if the proxies are affordable, the quality is not affected. Proxies supplied by NewIPNow provide a high level of anonymity and dependability.

NewIPNow has managed to stay a trustworthy provider throughout the years thanks to its good customer support and proxies that work. We couldn’t find any customer reviews complaining about the service, so you can be sure NewIPNow is a legitimate company.

NewIPNow offers social media proxies at a very cheap price. We tested their proxies and confirmed that it works on social media.

The interesting thing is that some of NewIPNow customers ask for doubling their orders or buying more IPs. This means one thing only, that NewIPNow provides working proxies and their customers are pleased with what they bought.

The proxies are also compatible with sneaker sites, ads sites, and similar other sites, for which, other providers usually have separate plans and often charge higher.

Our Yahoo Proxies Guarantee

Buy Yahoo Proxies @ $0.88 per IP + $0.00/GB!

Any issues? Get a quick resolution or 100% of your money back within 7 days.

New IP Now Money Back Guarantee
Is it safe to use Yahoo proxies?

Using proxies from reputable providers like NewIPNow is generally safe. However, avoid free proxies as they might be less secure.

Do I need any special software to use Yahoo proxies?

Not at all! NewIPNow makes it easy to get started with web-based configurations. Simply authorize your IPs inside your dashboard and configure your Yahoo proxies in your device or tools. For more detailed instructions, visit our Tutorials page.

What's the difference between a regular proxy and a Yahoo proxy?

Yahoo proxies offer specific advantages when interacting with Yahoo products and services.  Regular proxies might not be specifically configured for Yahoo’s infrastructure, potentially leading to slower speeds or compatibility issues. Our Yahoo proxies are optimized for tasks like managing multiple Yahoo Mail accounts or navigating regional variations on Yahoo Auctions.